Saturday, 27 July 2013


Thanks to TC Customs for the design of the superbeemer logo!!

and i couldn't resist making a few t-shirts with it on!!!

All the best


Well, seen as I was this far into it with all the parts for the project bought i figured what the.......
Plus i couldn't be beaten by it, though the thought had gone through my head.

Armed with a trusty angle grinder i set about the right swingarm mount.
It wasn't quite like that, i'd been warned to brace the crossbars so the frame didn't flex open once id cut the mount out.

A 12mm threaded bar and 4 nylock nuts did the job perfect, crude yes, but it worked a treat.
The bevel on the top of the nut located the bar perfectly central in the threads of the mount.
Once i'd checked it a fair few times it was time to chop, it's funny how eager i was to do it, seen as though i'd no idea what i'd do to reposition it in the right place and connect it to the frame.

And it's out.......sorry for the crappy iphone pic.

Now to figure out how to re-attach it!!

Monday, 1 July 2013

Chop and see!

Well i have a little problem.
The casting on the swingarm is double the size of the R65 one.
This has pushed the rear wheel centre 20mm to the left, not quite the easy project i was hoping for!
Whilst looking at the frame to figure out what to do i forgot to take any photos of it with the wheel on and nowhere near centre!!

The lines in the pic are the outside edges of the rim, the left is 40mm from the frame mounting, the right 80 mm off!

The other problem it posed was the prop has to run on a 2cm angle, and there isn't alot of clearance for one in the casting on that kind of an angle!!

This got me anxious, but i'm sure it'll be reet!!
I marked the frame to show how far over the rear diff UJ will be, it's not a massive angle over the 25cms but the inner casting is close for the more modern propshaft.
The line on the left is the original UJ mark, the right is where the new one will line up.
